Adelaide < South Australia Hotels
Select a city, town or suburb to view photos, contact details and information about the listed Adelaide, South Australia Hotels. Where a Hotel has a website, you can click on the Hotel name to go there directly. Each town page includes a map with links for neighbouring towns and an option to zoom in and view individual pubs.
Please get in touch if you want to add your business to the Gday Pubs website and related network. We always welcome new photos, links to websites and stories about our great Aussie Pubs.
- Alberton
- Alberton Hotel
- Allenby Gardens
- Beverley
- Halfway House Hotel
- Birkenhead
- Birkenhead Riverview Tavern
- City
European settlement in South Australia began in 1836. Adelaide, the capital, was a planned city, and retains much of its early architecture...
- Ambassador Hotel
- Arab Steed Hotel
- Astor Hotel
- Austral Hotel
- Botanic Hotel
- Brecknock Hotel
- Crown & Anchor Hotel
- Crown & Sceptre Hotel
- Cumberland Arms Hotel
- Directors Hotel » (Jackpots on Gouger)
- Dog and Duck Alehouse
- Duke of Brunswick Hotel
- Duke of York Hotel
- Earl of Aberdeen Hotel
- East End Exchange Hotel
- Edinburgh Castle Hotel
- Elephant and Castle Hotel »
- Exeter Hotel
- Flagstaff Hotel
- Franklin Hotel, Raglan's Backpackers
- Frostbites
- General Havelock Hotel
- Gilbert Hotel
- Grace Emily Hotel
- Griffins Head Hotel
- Hampshire Hotel
- Heritage Hotel
- Kings Head Hotel
- Lord Raglan Hotel
- Metropolis on Hindley
- Metropolitan Hotel
- Newmarket Hotel
- Old Queens Arms Hotel
- P.J. O'Briens Irish Pub
- Prince Albert Hotel
- Pulteney Pokies (Formerly Jackpots on Pulteney) »
- Rob Roy Hotel
- Rosemount Hotel
- Saracens Head Hotel
- Southern Cross Tavern
- Stag Hotel
- St. Andrews Hotel
- Strata Bar » (Jackpots on Flinders)
- Strathmore Hotel
- Talbot Hotel
- Tattersalls Hotel »
- Union Hotel
- Woolshed on Hindley »
- Former Criterion Hotel
- Former ? Hotel
- Former Orient Hotel
- Former Sportsman's Hotel
- Former White Conduit House Hotel
- Ethelton
- Exeter
- Exeter Hotel
- Glanville
- Cumberland Hotel » (The Cumby)
- Glanville Hotel
- Glenelg
- Glenelg Jetty Hotel
- Stamford Grand Hotel
- Hackney
- Hackney Hotel
- Hindmarsh
- Commercial Hotel
- Governor Hindmarsh Hotel (The Gov)
- Hope Inn
- Lady Daly Hotel
- Land of Promise Hotel
- Kent Town
- Royal Hotel
- Largs Bay
- Pier Hotel
- Largs North
- Marryatville
- Marryatville Hotel
- North
- British Hotel
- Caledonian Hotel
- Cathedral Hotel
- Kentish Arms Hotel »
- Lion Hotel
- Oxford Hotel
- Wellington Hotel
- Former Dover Castle Hotel
- North Haven
- Sailmaster Tavern
- Port Adelaide
- British Hotel
- Colac Hotel
- Dockside Tavern
- First Commercial Inn
- Golden Port Tavern
- Lighthouse Inn (Ales and Sails)
- Newmarket Hotel »
- Port Admiral Hotel
- Port Anchor Hotel
- Port Dock Hotel
- Portland Hotel »
- Railway Hotel
- Royal Arms Hotel
- Former Buff's Black Diamond Hotel
- Former Clubhouse Hotel
- Queenstown
- Prince of Wales Hotel
- Regency Park
- Rosewater
- Rosewater Hotel
- Semaphore
- Federal Hotel
- Palais Hotel »
- Semaphore Hotel
- Taperoo
- Boathouse Tavern
- Thebarton
Located south of the River Torrens
- Woodville South
- Woodville Hotel