Hotels in Nungarin, Western Australia
Towns and suburbs close to Nungarin | Hotels in Nungarin
Towns and suburbs close to Nungarin | Hotels in Nungarin
Woolshed Hotel (The)
Woolshed Hotel (The) Built 1927. Previously known as the Nungarin Hotel Built 1927 The Woolshed Hotel Nungarin boasts warm open fires, a large shady beer garden with stage, 11 stylish rooms of accommodation (as well as staff accommodation),...
Information on Nungarin, WA 6490
Nungarin itself is a pretty and welcoming town 280km East of Perth, with a great primary school, buses to two high schools, swimming pool, cafe, general store/mini-mart, beautician, hairdresser, second hand shop, craft shop, antique shop, post office, Community Resource Centre, Men's Shed, CWA branch, Shire offices and library, Bank West Agency, and modern sporting facilities with active summer and winter sports.