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Hotels in Mannum, South Australia

Towns and suburbs close to Mannum | Hotels in Mannum

Mannum Hotel

Mannum Hotel Built in 1869 as the Bogan Hotel and kept this name until 1886. Originally offered lodgings and food for travellers from the River Boats which ceased in 1984 due to , as they say on the website "faster modes of travel and government...

[street view]

15 Randell Street,
South Australia 5238

08 8569 1008

Pretoria Hotel

Opened December 22nd 1900 by inaugural publican Samuel Mundy Hoad. "In 1956 flood watermark reached 1.715 metres and you can see the actual water mark level in the original front bar of the hotel along with spectacular photographs of the hotel...

[street view]

50 Randell Street,
South Australia 5238

08 8569 1109

Information on Mannum,

Mannum, founded in 1852, lies 82km east of Adelaide and is a major port on the mighty Murray River. In the area are scenic drives, boats and house boats for hire.

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