Hotels in Brewarrina, New South Wales
Towns and suburbs close to Brewarrina | Hotels in Brewarrina
Towns and suburbs close to Brewarrina | Hotels in Brewarrina
Brewarrina Hotel
Brewarrina Hotel TAB, Keno, Coffee shop, 15 rooms upstairs for accommodation Beer garden with pool tables Fully fenced-in lockable yard Dining room Above ground swimming pool -------------------------------- Closed for a while from 2007....
Royal Hotel
Royal Hotel "The Royal is the only Pub in town nowadays but there were three operating when I was growing up out there in the 1950s...the third one having been burned to the ground some years back." - Jim. 2009 - The Brewarrina Hotel is open...
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Information on Brewarrina, NSW 2839
Located 97km east of Bourke, Brewarrina is a charming outback town. Activities include fishing in the Barwong River and walking the beautiful local parks.
Settled around 1840.