Berwick Inn in Berwick
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Towns and suburbs close to Berwick | Hotels in Berwick
Berwick Inn
Berwick Inn
- Built in 1857
- Fabulous fireside Club Lounge
- Renowned food from the Common Room Bistro lounge
- The locals have been coming from mile around for years, as it is such an ideal meeting place
- The Publican has great respect for its clientele - even remembers birthdays of the locals!
- Locals also say, the range of ales, the service and the atmosphere is always worth the visit.
Met up with some of the regulars there: Members of the "Country Member bike riders club". They say, the members really belong to the 'Can't Remember' club, and can't wait to see an itinery that takes in this great riding area that stretches from Berwick as a good starting point, up thru Emerald, through the hills and out to Noogee, or up thru to Woods Point, Kevington, Jamieson and back thru either the Spur or Dixon's creek and back for an ale!
Now there's a great tour for a few days! - Gary Pope. Thanks Gary, sounds good.
Berwick Inn
Photos 18/01/2008
photos and information submitted by Gary Pope. Many Thanks
- 1 High street,
Victoria 3806. - Phone:
- 03) 9707 1166
- Website: