Directors Hotel in City (Adelaide)
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Towns and suburbs close to City (Adelaide) | Hotels in City (Adelaide)
Directors Hotel (Jackpots on Gouger)
Directors Hotel
Established as the Angel Inn in 1839, Gouger in 1947, Fantasia 1974, Winston 1982, Gouger 1984 and the Directors in 1990. Whew! - Jon
"An authentic thai restaurant, a brilliant function room upstairs used for all types of parties/ sit down dinners – with its dual purpose as a meeting room used for all types of groups such as car clubs and theatre groups which gives it a nice community feel." -
Courtesy Courtney Inge, Eureka Group, and
Directors Hotel
Photo: 22/08/1998
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
- 247 Gouger Street,
South Australia 5000 - Phone:
- 08 8231 8484
- Website: