Dunmarra Wayside Inn in Dunmarra
Towns and suburbs close to Dunmarra | Hotels in Dunmarra
Towns and suburbs close to Dunmarra | Hotels in Dunmarra
Dunmarra Wayside Inn
Dunmarra Wayside Inn
Dunmarra is a roadhouse 314 km south of Katherine on the Stuart Highway.
- Caravan park with
- Motel accommodation,
- Petrol
- Bar
Dunmarra Wayside Inn
Photo 29/03/2008
Photos and information submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Dunmarra Wayside Inn
Nice hand painted mural showing the location of Dunmarra in the NT.
Of interest is that the Top End is painted green and the desert region painted in earthy colours.
Photo 29/03/2008
Photo submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks
Dunmarra Wayside Inn
Plenty of pubobilia at the Bar
Photo 29/03/2008
Photo submitted by Glenn Ryan, Many Thanks