Clarence Hotel in Petersham (Sydney)
Towns and suburbs close to Petersham (Sydney) | Hotels in Petersham (Sydney)
Towns and suburbs close to Petersham (Sydney) | Hotels in Petersham (Sydney)
Clarence Hotel
Clarence Hotel
The Hotel was established in 1858 and was formally known as Carter's Home Hotel, United States Hotel, The Omnibus Hotel (1875-1880), Clarence Hotel, Comedy House Hotel etc.
The Hotel is on the corner of Crystal Street.
No Accommodation.
Bistro Wednesday – Sunday lunch & dinner.
Front bar beers, Tooheys New, VB, Carlton Draught, Pure Blond , Premium Extra Dry, Hahn Premium Light.
Thanks to Chrys Meader, Marrickville Council Archives, Petersham Town Hall, Crystal Street, Petersham NSW 2049,for establishment dates etc.
Clarence Hotel
Photo 31/05/2009
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
- 450 Parramatta Road,
New south Wales 2049 - Phone:
- 02 9560 0400
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