Iron Duke Hotel in Alexandria (Sydney)
Towns and suburbs close to Alexandria (Sydney) | Hotels in Alexandria (Sydney)
Towns and suburbs close to Alexandria (Sydney) | Hotels in Alexandria (Sydney)
Iron Duke Hotel
Iron Duke Hotel
- Bistro
- Café facilities
- On street seating
- 8 different beers!
- Pubs own Iron Duke Lager!
- Tab facilities
- 10 rooms for accommodation
This hotel recently reopened after being flooded for 16 months. The hotel had a notorious reputation for criminal activity and was once owned by Neddy Smith.
The hotel also featured in the movie "Blue Murder."
Beers on tap: VB, Carlton Draught, Pure Blond, Toohey's New and Old, Blue Tongue Premium, Hahn Premium Light, Barons, Iron Duke Lager
Iron Duke Hotel
Photo 27/09/2009
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
- 220 Botany Road,
New South Wales 2015 - Phone:
- 02 9310 3051
- Website:
Iron Duke Hotel
Live music area.
Photo 27/09/2009
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks
Iron Duke Hotel
Beer garden. (Soon to be enlarged.)
Photo 27/09/2009
Photos and information submitted by Jon Graham, Many Thanks